Lunch date?

After a positive, self-confidence building weekend, I took my chances today and asked he new nerd hot guy at work if he’d like to have lunch together. He couldn’t today, but asked if we could tomorrow. I was like, hell yes! Normally I would never be that bold (even though that isn’t very bold to most people), but it seemed like the time to do it, especially after us sharing some interests and him saying he’d like to attend one of the events I work on weekends.

Now I’m freaking out a little. What do I say? What do I do? Will he be grossed out by my vegan lunch?!

The hard part is over, and now is the part where I worry constantly that he’ll change his mind and likely try to think of ways to get out of this myself by about 11:30 tomorrow morning.

Before anyone says it, I realize the whole ‘dating in the workplace’ is a terrible idea, but I’m honestly not expecting that situation at all. At best I’m hoping to have a friend at work I can lunch with sometimes.