Because of summer?

Most people get that “I’m bummed in the winter” thing, which I so don’t understand. Winter is the best. I am obviously the opposite. I get bummed in the summer. It’s so fucking hot that I can’t even open the door without feeling like I’m going to die. Perhaps if I lived in the north I wouldn’t loathe the summer so much. But hey, I live in the South and the summer fucking sucks. It’s the worst thing ever. Heat stroke, sunburn, mosquitos, scorpions, snakes, poison ivy… yeah, let’s go outside! Oh wait, no, fuck that shit.

Anyway, summer has me hating life. All I want to do is go to work in the a/c then come straight home back into the a/c. I have no desire to go to the store or run errands because that means time in the 100+ degree heat.

It probably doesn’t help that I currently have my period, which fucks with everything including my body temp (Sorry, male readers, but these are facts). I’m constantly hot and feel bloated and gross and hate myself… and that’s lead me to some curiosity about things.

First, are normal hormone fluctuations, like one experiences during their period, more drastic in Bipolar people? I feel like they probably are. I also feel like, personally, each month is different as far as how badly I swing manic or depressed during PMS. I assume it differs because of where things fall on my normal Bipolar cycling or something of that nature.

Second, do Bipolar men experience mental symptoms similar to PMS, since the drastic mood swings and whatnot we Bipolars have are similar to PMS (at least in my experience).

Yes, I realize this is a broad generalization, but I’m still curious what others have experienced or think about the topic. I tend to think Bipolar men can actually relate more to the generic “woman” because of the similarities of mood cycling.
